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ACH-116 Landscape Arch:System& Design

Examine the diverse topics that inform landscape architectural designs. Study the behavioral, environmental and aesthetic principals used to shape the design and use of outdoor spaces. Learn graphic methods to analyze multiple landscape typologies and the plant material used in landscape design. Illustrate landscape design solutions using various industry techniques. Lab fee $20. Prerequisite: ACH 111 or permission of department chair.

Term: Spring 2025

Course Type: Credit - 4 Credits

Section: 400

Ways to take the class: Face-to-face

Days: MW

Time: 6:00PM to 8:30PM

Start Date: 02/03/2025

End Date: 05/18/2025

Location: Arnold Campus

Room: CALT 341 Building:
Center for Applied Learning and Technology

Instructor: Anne E Gleeson (Subject to change)

Class Size: 20