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ENG-101H Acad Writing/Research 1-Honor

Learn critical writing, reading, and thinking strategies. Write multiple essays, culminating in an instructor-guided research paper. Analyze a variety of texts and identify their cultural, historical, and social contexts. Develop foundational information literacy, academic research, and documentation skills. Prerequisite: Eligibility for Honors courses and appropriate placement into ENG 101. Note: A grade of C or better is required to satisfy the general education requirement. Complete and present an honors capstone research project that extends beyond the classroom. Also offered as ENG 101H; credit is not given for both ENG 101 and ENG 101H.

Term: Spring 2025

Course Type: Credit - 3 Credits

Section: 003

Ways to take the class: Face-to-face

Days: TTH

Time: 8:00AM to 9:15AM

Start Date: 01/23/2025

End Date: 05/18/2025

Location: Arnold Campus

Room: HUM 208 Building:

Instructor: Ewell D Bowers (Subject to change)

Class Size: 1

General Education Requirement: English Composition

Section Info: This section is participating in the Direct Digital Access program. A course materials fee of $15.00 plus tax will be charged to your student account when you register. Your course materials will be accessible in Canvas on or before the first day of class. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/91色情片-DDA.